How does solar PV work?
Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy works by converting sunlight into electricity. Sunlight is made of photons which are small particles of energy. These photons are absorbed by and pass through the material of a solar cell or solar photovoltaic panel. The photons agitate the electrons found in the material of the photovoltaic cell. As they begin to move, or are dislodged, they are routed into a current. This is electricity – the movement of electrons along a path. These electrons are then conducted through a wire to the grid.
Benefits of solar PV
What equipment will be used on site?
The following components are proposed for this solar farm:
Lifecycle of the project and decommissioning process
Development Approval (DA) is being sought for the development with an operational period of approximately 40 years. At the end of the project lifetime, decommissioning will take place. This involves the removal of all equipment to be recycled.
Please see documents with FAQs and Community Consultative Committee meeting minutes
Glanmire Solar Farm CCC Meeting minutes March
Glanmire Solar Farm CCC Meeting minutes April
Glanmire Solar Farm CCC Meeting minutes May
Glanmire Solar Farm CCC Meeting Minutes June
Glanmire – DPE CCC presentation
Glanmire Solar Farm CCC – Visual Assessment
Glanmire Solar Farm CCC_Guidelines
How does solar PV work?
Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy works by converting sunlight into electricity. Sunlight is made of photons which are small particles of energy. These photons are absorbed by and pass through the material of a solar cell or solar photovoltaic panel. The photons agitate the electrons found in the material of the photovoltaic cell. As they begin to move, or are dislodged, they are routed into a current. This is electricity – the movement of electrons along a path. These electrons are then conducted through a wire to the grid.
Benefits of solar PV
What equipment will be used on site?
The following components are proposed for this solar farm:
Lifecycle of the project and decommissioning process
Development Approval (DA) is being sought for the development with an operational period of approximately 40 years. At the end of the project lifetime, decommissioning will take place. This involves the removal of all equipment to be recycled.
Please see documents with FAQs and Community Consultative Committee meeting minutes
Glanmire Solar Farm CCC Meeting minutes March
Glanmire Solar Farm CCC Meeting minutes April
Glanmire Solar Farm CCC Meeting minutes May
Glanmire Solar Farm CCC Meeting Minutes June
Glanmire – DPE CCC presentation
Glanmire Solar Farm CCC – Visual Assessment
Glanmire Solar Farm CCC_Guidelines